Sunday, March 20, 2011

Gemstone & Crystal Healing...

Gemstones Embody Healing Energy

Gemstones, with their powerful energies and profound resonance with the human body, are the perfect energy medicine tools. Like other forms of energy medicine, gemstone energy medicine uses the body’s inherent healing force to nourish and heal us in multiple ways. Each type of gemstone embodies a unique energy that can focus and amplify this healing force and produce specific therapeutic effects.
Today, these potent tools for transforming health are being embraced by large numbers of people and have excited the interest of physicians and medical researchers. Gemstone therapies work—both as primary treatments and as complements to other healing modalities. Emotional maladies, mental complaints, and acute and chronic illnesses of all kinds have responded to gemstone energy medicine in unprecedented and exciting ways.
How can therapeutic gems accomplish all this? Physicists tell us that all matter is energy in physical form. Gemstones are certainly no exception. Formed over eons, often at high pressure, the Earth’s gemstones embody intense concentrations of energy. Today, we employ the energetic and physical properties of gemstones in many aspects of technology—for example, we use gemstones in lasers to perform delicate surgeries and in computers to propel information around the globe. Similarly, we can use certain gemstones to focus and amplify the body’s innate energies to uplift our health.
Quality and Shape:
Keys to Unlocking a Gemstone’s Healing Power
Efforts to use gemstones for healing have a long history. In many cultures, ancient and modern, people have sought to uncover the therapeutic powers that lie within the crystalline structures of gemstones. Over the centuries, people’s attempts have met with varying degrees of success and failure. Yet, when using gems for healing, something was often missing. Until recently, we have been unable to discover a systematic way to unlock the full therapeutic powers of gems and to achieve consistent, long-lasting results.

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